Carey Olsen.

A digital-first approach to marketing.

old website Carey Olsen


How do you break the convention of traditional marketing brochures?

Carey Olsen is a leading offshore law firm advising financial institutions, corporations and private clients from a network of nine international offices.

The firm had a diverse range of printed marketing brochures to take along when visiting new client opportunities. This traditional approach has its challenges: it’s often expensive, brochures date quickly and they often don’t travel well. A new solution was needed.

Marketing testimonial Carey
Marketing tablet screen Carey
Marketing tablet design Carey
Marketing tablet layout Carey
Marketing tablet map Carey


How we raised the bar for Carey Olsen.

We advised on moving to a digital-first approach to create efficiencies, raise engagement and stand-out from the crowd. This digital approach could also direct clients straight to the website through hot links, with all eBrochures easily updatable, keeping their marketing relevant and up-to-date.

The design inspiration reflected an online digital experience with dynamic page navigation and seamless page transitions.


Increase in mobile traffic


Increase in Google traffic

Marketing page layouts Carey
Marketing tablet elements Carey


“Dusted really understood our business and were able to translate that into clear strategic positioning all wrapped up with great creative.”

Chris Carpenter – Group Marketing & Business Development Director, Carey Olsen


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